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What to Do When Your Water Heater Leaks

water heater

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your water heater has suddenly leaked all over the floor? If so, then you know that it can be quite daunting. You are probably wondering what to do next and how to fix the problem. Don’t worry, we have got you covered! Here is everything you need to know about what to do when your water heater leaks.

Assess the Damage : What to Do When Your Water Heater Leaks

The first thing you should do is assess the damage done by the leak. This includes not just inspecting the area around the leak but also checking for any structural damage caused by the leaking water, such as waterlogging or mold growth. It’s important to remember that water heaters are large and heavy pieces of machinery, so if there is any significant structural damage due to the leakage it could be an indication that something else is wrong with your unit and needs professional attention.

Shut off Power & Water Supply: What to Do When Your Water Heater Leaks

Once you’ve assessed the damage done by the leak, it’s time to shut off both your power and water supply to your water heater. This will help prevent any further damage from happening while you work on fixing the issue. Make sure that all knobs, handles, switches, and valves are turned off before attempting any repairs or maintenance on your unit. If necessary, consult with a licensed electrician or plumber for professional assistance in shutting off power or disconnecting hoses from pipes and valves in order to avoid any potential safety hazards.

Fixing The Problem

Depending on where exactly your water heater has leaked from will determine what steps you should take next in repairing it. If it’s a small leak coming from a tank connection (such as a pipe joint or drain valve), simply tightening up loose nuts or bolts might do the trick. For larger leaks, however—such as those coming from inside tanks—you may need additional parts such as new seals/gaskets or insulation material in order to properly repair them. Additionally, if there is an issue with how hot/cold your tank heats up/cools down then this could also be an indication of a deeper issue within your unit and require professional attention from a qualified plumber or HVAC technician who specializes in repairing and servicing these types of systems.

It’s always best practice to troubleshoot and fix minor issues like small leaks on your own before calling for professional help; however if things get out of hand then don’t hesitate to call Hey Dude for assistance right away! Remember that leaking water heaters can cause extensive amounts of property damage if left unchecked so make sure that you act quickly when dealing with these types of situations! With this guide in mind, hopefully now you feel more confident about handling any future water heater leaks that may come up! Good luck!
